Blogging was still in its infancy back then, so I don't recall many other blogs during the time when I started blogging. Social media was nothing like it is today, and vlogging (video blogging) was almost non-existent.
I remember the challenges of locating an internet cafe in the provinces. Assuming I found one that wasn't full, I would begin the process of posting. The computers were typically slow with no SD card reader, and I would have to transfer the photos from my old digital camera via USB cable. So while that was cranking away, I would go ahead and begin typing up the written content for my post, usually copying from a piece of scratch paper where I had previously written my notes/thoughts. And assuming the pictures copied successfully to the hard drive, I would then begin the process of uploading them onto the internet (which was an even slower process).
You will also typically note me mentioning that I was in a rush at the internet cafe, as I was always trying to save money. Of course, many times, there was nothing I could do, as I would just have to wait for the pictures to finish uploading. I couldn't get an internet connection set up at the house either, as the internet service providers did not yet have coverage deep in the countryside back then.
Sometimes I wonder how it would have been had I began the Coconuter journey today where social media and technology are more widespread and advanced, or had they been available back then. Maybe I would have had better luck and more fortunate events.
Original post below:
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I'm Here
Well, I'm here now in the Philippines. To all the non-believers out there, I hope the pictures are enough proof. I'm in a rush right now in an internet cafe, so I am really just typing what comes to my head and I don't have time to arrange the pictures so I hope it's in order. The first is of the scapular my mother gave me during a very emotional goodbye. There's a set of airplane pics in there too. All I have to say is that the trip was very long. I was mistaken about the flight time because it actually amounted to almost 20 hours. It was a combination Continental and China Airlines Flight. China Airlines had the much better service. I almost got lost at the Los Angeles Airport, but with some asking around I was able to find the correct terminal. Let's see, my first day was spent just getting up to Subic. It was about a 3 hour drive. I was wearing a jacket from Houston to LA to Taipei, then boom... the Philippine heat hit me. The first day was pretty rough, and I'm pretty worn out. I tried jogging to the palengke/market to buy a large jug of water and some fish & rice. I hauled the jug of water back to the residence I am staying at currently and it was pretty damn hard. I think I'll take a tricycle next time. I think I spent around 500 pesos today and I did not buy anything special except for what I already mentioned above, if you call that special. That's way more than the daily budget I had planned. I have to really work on getting it down to 50 to 100 pesos a day. It really was a pretty discouraging day, but I think that's partly because I'm tired and I have to recover from some jet lag. I hope tomorrow will be better. I'm really rushing so I'll try to elaborate and do more story telling tomorrow. Remember that I have to worry about internet cafe fees too. Gotta go.
Kiddo, Don't leave the rice on your plate. You will need the energy. :-) We miss you!!
good to know that you are safe. :)kd
Hello I'm michelle..I saw the interview in Nagmamahal Kapamilya and its nice to know that ur doing good...:) Be happy
HeLLo!!!... Bec Bec here.. i am from batangas.. i saw you bein interviewed at NagmamahaL of abscbn.. errrmmmm... nacurious ako sa'yo sobra!! as in!.. i can't beLieved that you've done aLL those things.. ang tapang mo!.. you made a very hard decision.. you're aware of the consequences nad triaLs that you'LL be facin here in PhiLi.. but stiLL.. you did wot you have said.. i admire you for that. Errrmmm... i've decided to add you in my Link List and i'm gonna introduce you to Lots of my friends.. for sure, they'LL be amzed asweLL.. haaayyy... wot eLse can i say??.. hmmm... just take care.. goodLuck to you and to your wife. God bLess you guys aLways! (",)xx (becbec_msbatangenya2@hotmail.com)
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