Sunday, October 27, 2019
There is no one around, and I have been sick for three days straight and counting, with fever that has not yet gone back to normal temperature, bone/joint pains, achy muscles, excruciating lower back/kidney pain, migraine, eye pain/sensitivity to light, and inability to stay upright for very long. It is one of the worst I've felt, if not the worst, in terms of pain from a fever-accompanied illness. Fortunately, my friend Orlan has been looking after me throughout this time; otherwise, I'm not sure what would have happened as I don't think I would have been able to obtain food. I've been trying to eat some liver, as I'm not sure where to obtain soup-based food that is not prepared with MSG. Maybe someone has some ideas. I'd like to avoid taking any medicine if possible, but the work week is about to start again, so I may have to. We'll see.

I felt what you feel year 2013..I was diagnosed kidney problem...but thank God im fine now.I hope you can fine the best Doctor.
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