Apparently, I was informed life has become too comfortable for some that
it has become boring to take care of responsibility. This to me, seems
very childish or immature. I was a bit taken aback by that, since if
we were to reverse that to my viewpoint, had I given up or not taken
care of my responsibility for all those years, we would have much larger
problems now than being bored.
I am starting to realize that maybe I had put in many years of my life to take care of responsibility, only to see now that it has led to too much comfort for others, to the point that they complain of life becoming unbearably mundane to even spend time together on weekends. That time they would rather spend with "friends," despite the fact that these friends were not the ones who sacrificed years to build the castle. That, to me, is very ironic and unfair.
But that's the way it is, so as I mentioned the other day, maybe it's time I do something with my life before it's too late, because I've obviously been delusional the past several years devoting energy on something that is a black hole. I now need to put to good use what free time I have, and also the remaining years I have left.
She meets others of both genders, entertains others of the opposite gender, goes to clubs, associates with controversial circles and activities, splurges on others who have contributed nothing, is easily influenced by the immature mindsets and bad habits of her friends, listens more to others than to her own partner, abandons whenever she feels like it, doesn't take care of responsibility, and the list goes on. So I guess, I don't see why I can't do the same.
I have been observing the suggestions for places to visit, so I recently headed to NAIA Terminal 3 to see if I could book an immediate flight to one of the select destinations I have narrowed down. Unfortunately, I learned that last-minute bookings are unreasonably expensive, so I decided to postpone for now and will have to instead plan ahead. It's not that I can't pay for such a ticket, but one thing about me, is I don't like to waste. I remember how I began earlier in life, and I don't believe in spending carelessly or extravagantly if it has no reasonable purpose or practicality.
What a small world, because while standing around at NAIA, I bumped into a follower/acquaintance from the blog. They too recommended that I book well ahead of time in order to get good rates and to take advantage of sales.
After leaving NAIA, since it was very hot outside, I decided to kill time and cool off by hanging around the casino resort hotels in Manila, including Okada and Solaire.
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