I am enjoying reading these old posts and seeing how my writing style was early on. It seemed simpler and carefree, releasing whatever came into mind, and not concerning myself with restrictions or potential criticisms. I just went ahead and said whatever it is I wanted to say, without giving much thought as to whether what I was writing sounded eloquent or whether what I was writing would offend anyone. I like that, and kind of miss that attitude and frame of mind. Sometimes I wish that I could relive those simpler days.
As for the night sky being clearer in the Philippines, it was not purely bias. And now, I think it has less to do with the Philippines in general, and more with it being in the rural areas, because these days in Manila, I am not in awe of the night sky. I think there is something about being in the rural countryside, where artificial lights are less in number in some parts and the stillness and quiet environment that is more common at night there, compound to draw your attraction and senses to the more highlighted night sky. So it is more urban vs. rural. I think you will likely experience the same captivation in the rural areas of any country, including the US.
The glowing blue dots I mention on the beach are (now I know) actually bioluminescent phytoplankton.
Also, though I keep mentioning climbing that mountain with a cross, I still never did climb it.
Who took the pictures of me on the beach? It was my dear cousin, Kuya BJ. We grew up together during my early childhood years. This night shot at the beach was probably the last time we had some sort of calm in our lives. We would veer far from that point thereafter. The complexities of our particular lives, each in a different way, have since consumed us.
And only now, looking closely at these old photos, did I notice that (in the picture of me riding the jeepney and looking out) the tricycle in the background has the number 777.
Original post below:
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Still sick, but I tried to go out and do something. I had to go to the market and get food, of course. Ate some mixed vegetables and fish today. Specifically, pinakbet and daing. I enjoyed watching the sunset after a smoldering hot day. Night skies are particularly beautiful in the Philippines. The sky is much clearer in the evening compared to in the States. You can see significantly more stars. I went out for a night swim yesterday evening and enjoyed it, except it was pretty chilly. The water was clear. I saw some glowing blue dots on the sand, and I have no idea what they are. I'll try to take a picture of them the next time I go. Once I recover from this cold, or whatever it is, I'll venture out and climb that mountain with a cross. Alright, well I have to run; I've spent too much time in the internet cafe already.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
I still don't feel good. I stayed in yesterday afternoon. I think I'll do the same after writing this post. No pictures today. I'll post some tomorrow.
Keep it up!!!
I Never realized that living in the Philippines was so hard!!
I've been traveling to the Philippines for almost 25 years, and it takes some time to adjust to the heat and the humidity, but you should feel fine in a few days. Do you have friends in Subic? I remember it from the old days when the U.S. Navy was still there, and Olongapo had some of the best nightclubs and rock bands in the world!
Hey David, I just wanted to say that I admire what you're doing there. I'm a fellow explorer too.. and I also left home & family to go off into distant lands. Good luck with your adventures! :)
i idolize u sir...
i really am
u inspired me and i hope that we could be friends so that u could giv me some advice in life
and thank u for opening my mind..
thank u sir
David, the blue dots are probably bioluminiscense from planktons. They're microscopic plant and animal life that emit a luminous glow when there is a disturbance in the water.
Yep coconuter.
This event occurs only a few nights in a year. So count yourself lucky having witnessed it. I also saw it once as a child growing up in San Narciso, about 30 minutes from your place. We spent a night at the beach, and the sea was glowing with millions of these star-like points of light, moving with the waves. Very magical.
Hi there! Nice blog! Like your video and photos. - Goddy
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